info@intermediarf.com 8 495 369-53-61 8 800 100-87-81

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Виды рекламы


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Интернет и СМИ

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Реклама в OZ МОЛЛ в Краснодаре

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Реклама на радиостанции DFM

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реклама на радиостанции Маруся ФМ

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Advertising on media facades in Bangkok

Advertising Agency «Intermedia Group» specializes in placing advertisements on media facades in Bangkok. We provide high-quality service and guarantee reasonable prices. We organize advertising campaigns in Bangkok, Thailand, and other countries, from planning to analyzing the effectiveness of the advertising placement. To ensure your media facade advertising is effective, we recommend carefully selecting videos that are interesting and useful for passersby. The advertisements should be attention-grabbing, bright, colorful, and dynamic. At the same time, it is important to comply with the law and maintain decorum to avoid any negative impact.

Why Choose Us:

  • Completed Over 5,500 Orders
  • Own Advertising Structures
  • Team of Professionals
  • Turnkey Solutions
  • 10 Years of Experience
  • High Advertising Impact
The cost of advertising on media facades in Bangkok depends on various factors: the duration of the placement, the length of the video, the number of displays, etc. The specialists at «Intermedia Group» advertising agency have extensive experience in placing ads on media facades. Contact our agency and see for yourself.


We guarantee promptness, great promotions, competitive prices for all services (without intermediary markups), and high-quality services. If you contact our advertising agency, our managers and advertising experts will prepare an advantageous commercial offer with a discount for you.


To find out the exact cost of your advertisement on a media facade in Bangkok, please email us at info@intermediarf.com or call us at 8 (800) 100-87-81. Our managers will calculate the cost of placing your advertisement on a media facade in Bangkok. We look forward to hearing from you..

Call us at 8 (800) 100-87-81 (free of charge) or email us at info@intermediarf.com.

A media facade is a new and effective advertising method. This type of advertising medium conveys information through static images or animations. The video screens are characterized by high contrast and brightness, making them ideal for installation in challenging conditions. Bright and dynamic images or animations effectively attract and retain the attention of potential clients.


LED screens are primarily installed in areas with heavy traffic of both vehicles and pedestrians. They are also placed near objects that slow down the movement of cars and pedestrians. The advertising medium of such structures is a high-resolution LED panel, which ensures impressive transmission of advertising information regardless of the time of day.


This type of outdoor advertising operates 24/7, which is why it is widely used in various fields.


Advantages of advertising on media facades

  • There is a wide variety of digital tools available to attract consumer interest in a brand.
  • The ability to launch advertising campaigns quickly.
  • Simplification of logistics, the absence of the need for printing and installation, thereby saving the advertiser’s money.
  • Regulation of the duration of the advertising campaign. The tenant can choose the required time to place an advertisement.
  • Ability to launch advertising on the desired day and hour.
  • The ability to change the plot during the advertising campaign.
  • No need for installation and dismantling, which facilitates the operation of such devices.


Calculations are conducted individually with each client!

Prices provided on the website are for informational purposes and are not a public offer.

Please clarify the final amount with our advertising experts

Examples of advertisements on media facades:

Feel free to contact us at info@intermediarf.com or call us toll-free at 8 (800) 100-87-81.


We are already working with these companies, and now we are waiting for you!

Advertising on television | Advertising on radio | Advertising in print media | Advertising on social media | Website creation and promotion | | Banner advertising | Media advertising | Mobile marketing| Website development|Wi-Fi advertising|


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