info@intermediarf.com 8 495 369-53-61 8 800 100-87-81

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Виды рекламы


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Интернет и СМИ

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Реклама в OZ МОЛЛ в Краснодаре

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Реклама на радиостанции DFM

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реклама на радиостанции Маруся ФМ

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Advertising on billboards in Bangkok

The advertising agency «Intermedia Group» specializes in placing advertisements on billboards in Bangkok and Thailand. We provide high-quality service and guarantee reasonable prices. We organize advertising campaigns in Bangkok, Thailand, and other countries, from planning to analyzing the effectiveness of the advertisement placement. To ensure your billboard advertisements are effective, we recommend selecting videos that are interesting and useful to passersby. The advertisement should be attention-grabbing, bright, colorful, and dynamic. It is also important to comply with the law and maintain decorum to avoid any negative impact.


Distinctive features of billboards in Bangkok and Thailand that attract a wide consumer audience include impressive sizes, affordable costs, and the opportunity to implement various creative ideas. This type of outdoor advertising allows you to quickly achieve maximum reach of your target audience and provide potential customers with bright and memorable visual information about the benefits of your product or service.

Why Choose Us:

  • We have completed over 5,500 orders
  • Our own advertising structures
  • We employ professionals
  • Turnkey placement
  • We have been placing advertisements for 10 years
  • High advertising impact after just 2 placements

Advertising billboards are commonly classified according to the following parameters.


By the number of sides:
  • Single-sided;
  • Double-sided;
We handle advertising placement on billboards. The price depends on the advertising format, location, and other criteria. Since we employ a personalized approach in our work, providing general information about costs is somewhat challenging. Your task will be managed by a personal manager who will help you calculate the budget needed for an advertising campaign that will deliver impressive results. We regularly offer various promotions, which is an excellent way to save money. Simply call us at 8 (800) 100-87-81 or email us at info@intermediarf.com to book your advertising placement.


The advantages of collaborating with our agency include:

  • Experience and expertise: Our specialists have vast experience and knowledge gained from numerous successfully completed projects and positive feedback. We approach each client individually, offering unconventional solutions and identifying effective tools for every situation;
  • Competitor analysis: We always conduct thorough research on your competitors’ actions. Based on this information, we develop the most effective promotion strategy tailored to your needs;
  • Promptness and flexibility: Our team reacts swiftly to market changes and client needs, adapting to various situations to ensure timely and high-quality execution of orders;
  • Wide range of services: We offer a comprehensive suite of outdoor advertising services, from developing promotion strategies to manufacturing and installing billboards. This allows you to save time and resources by working with a single reliable partner;
  • Reporting and coordination: We provide timely reports and ensure each step is approved by you, finding optimal solutions to issues before implementation.

Email us at info@intermediarf.com or call us at +7 (495) 369-53-61, or toll-free at 8 (800) 100-87-81.

We are already working with these companies and now we are waiting for you!

|Advertising on television |
Advertising on radio | Advertising in print media | Advertising on social media | Website creation and promotion | Banner advertising | Media advertising | Mobile marketing| Website development| Wi-Fi advertising|


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