info@intermediarf.com 8 495 369-53-61 8 800 100-87-81

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Реклама в OZ МОЛЛ в Краснодаре

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Реклама на радиостанции DFM

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реклама на радиостанции Маруся ФМ

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Advertising in the Bangkok metro

Advertising agency INTERMEDIA GROUP offers you advertising placement in the metro in Bangkok and Thailand. Advertising placed in the metro is guaranteed to be perceived at a higher emotional level. Here, both image communications, which automatically make the advertiser part of the most prestigious and technological industry, and rational incentives work equally well.Write to us:info@intermediarf.com or call:+7 (495) 369-53-61,8 (800) 100-87-81 (toll-free)

Why Choose Us:
  • We have completed over 5500 orders
  • Our own advertising structures
  • Professional staff
  • Turnkey placement
  • Advertising placement for over 10 years
  • High advertising effect after just 2 placements

How to Make Metro Advertising in Bangkok Effective


  • Proper selection of advertising material. Advertising in Bangkok’s metro should be interesting and useful. Ads placed in the metro should be attention-grabbing, bright, colorful, and dynamic. However, it is essential to maintain decency and abide by the law to avoid negative effects.
  • Quality of advertising material and its content. Advertising in Bangkok’s metro should include many close-up shots, vibrant and compelling scenes, and dynamic visuals. Ads should avoid small details and texts. Brightness and contrast should be adjusted to ensure the ad looks appealing.

Types of Advertising Materials Placed in the Metro:

  • Wagon Branding.
  • Advertising on Wagon Doors.
  • Advertising at Stations.
  • Floor and Stair Stickers.
  • Digital Screens.
  • Advertising on Escalators.
  • Advertising on Turnstiles.
  • Lightboxes.
  • Advertising on Seats.
  • Entrance Group Branding.
  • Interactive Advertising.
Our team will select the optimal format, design your project, handle all necessary approvals, manufacture, and place your advertisement. Maximize your investment, reach out to millions of metro passengers! Metro advertising guarantees success! Metro passengers represent a diverse socio-economic spectrum, including individuals who value their time and are willing to pay for quality services and products. Tell them about yourself, acquire thousands of new customers and partners, increase your revenue with minimal effort! Metro advertising is considered highly effective due to its frequency and duration of exposure.

Examples of Advertising in Bangkok Metro:

Contact us: info@intermediarf.com or call: 8 (800) 100-87-81 (free call)

We are already working with these companies and now we are waiting for you!


| TV Advertising | Radio Advertising | Print Media Advertising | Social Media Advertising | Website Development and Promotion | Contextual Advertising | Banner Advertising | Media Advertising | Mobile Marketing | Website Development | Wi-Fi Advertising |

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